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Clinic Hours
Monday - Thursday                 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday                                           8:00 AM - 2:00 PM 
Weekends & Bank Holidays                      Closed
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Send us an email or a call & we'd be happy to help! You can request an appointment below.

​Trusted, Experienced, Caring


CircumcisionNB began in Saint John, New Brunswick, 2014.  CircumcisionNB provides its service for both newborns and adult clients who are looking to be circumcised.  Where publicly funded health services will not provide circumcision services, CircumcisionNB does.  We are happy to provide all clients with circumcision no matter the cultural, personal, religious, or social reasons. 

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Our Services

Our clinic welcomes patients from all Maritime Provinces and visitors from across Canada. The cost of newborn circumcision is not covered by New Brunswick Medicare, Prince Edward Island single-payer system (Health PEI), Medical Services Insurance of Nova Scotia (MSI), or the government health program in Quebec (RAMQ). The cost is the same no matter which Province you are from.

Newborn & Infant Circumcision

Dr Keripe has over 20 years experience of performing circumcisions. He uses clamp devices to complete the procedure. The procedure is painless. It is preferable to do the procedure under the age of 12 weeks.



Dr Keripe can undertake a variety of methods to complete your circumcision. These include using various types of clamps/devices, or freehand methods with stitches.

Young Boy & Teenage Circumcision

Dr Keripe can undertake a variety of methods to complete your son’s circumcision. These include using various types of clamps or freehand methods with stitches.

Circumcision expert

Circumcision Benefits

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, the fold of skin that covers the head of the penis.

Some of the benefits of male circumcision include:

  • Reduced risk of urinary tract infections in childhood

  • Reduced risk of ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases in adulthood.

  • Reduced risk of becoming infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

  • Protection against penile cancer.

  • Reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

  • Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans), posthitis (inflammation of the foreskin), phimosis (inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (inability to return the retracted foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision Risk

Dr Keripe has been carrying out newborn circumcision for over 15 years. Complication rates following male circumcision are very low when it is performed by well-equipped and well-trained clinicians.

  • Some swelling and discomfort can be expected after the operation, but this normally gets better after the first day or two. No treatment is needed.

  • Post-op bleeding considered as significant bleeding (1/200)

  • Phimosis or narrowing of the shaft-skin opening over the head of the penis – Never happened in this practice

  • Buried penis in the pubic (groin) fat (1/800)

  • Infection requiring antibiotics (1/5000)

  • Meatal stenosis or narrowing of the urethra – never happened in this practice

  • Sub-optimal cosmetic outcome (1/500)

  • Trauma to the head of the penis, virtually impossible with the method used in this practice.

  • More serious complications including death (never happened in this practice)

First Aid Kit

Our Team

circumcision expert in nb

Dr Shola Keripe

Family Physician & Associate Professor of Medicine

Dr Keripe trained in the United Kingdom (UK) in both General Surgery and Family Medicine, he practiced in the UK for 16 years before moving to Canada. 

Circumcision clinic in nb

Carrie Fraser

Licensed Practical Nurse

Carrie joined Dr. Keripe's office in September of 2020. She has welcomed the opportunity to learn and expand on her nursing skills.

Lynn Elevado


Rhonalyn Elevado is an amateur photographer and who loves taking portraits and macros, She firmly believes that photography is a medium of expressing her feelings and perspective in reality. 

Patient Testimonials

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"Dr Keripe is very kind, sensitive and has a big heart. He does not rush you out the door, and listens well. I love his bedside manner. So glad he is my family doctor."

Avanda Wood

1 weeks ago

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Ghasem Abdi

14 weeks ago

"Great support. Although I have looked for a... physician for a week and all the NB ones get an appointment for two months later, his office arranged everything and gets the appointment for next week. In addition, they faxed the requirements to the hospital, so I arrange [other tests] the same day. I cannot wait to see them and thank their valuable supports."


CircumcisionNB began in Saint John, New Brunswick, 2014.  CircumcisionNB provides its circumcisions for both newborns and adult clients who are looking to be circumcised.  Where publicly funded health services will not provide circumcision services, CircumcisionNB does.  We are happy to provide all clients with circumcision no matter the cultural, personal, religious, and social reasons. 

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